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🟢35t dma card:
Your 2nd PC connects to the DMA Card (PCI Express) that is in your Game PC via a USB Cable. This allows the second PC to read/write memory from your Game PC without the Game PC being aware.
The firmware is already installed on it. Plug it in and use.
This is its alternative to kmbox which is completely SAFE and works much FASTER.(KmBox is not safe and people get banned because of it)
A MAKCU is an advanced device that can simulate mouse and keyboard events for aim and trigger. It allows you to connect your mouse to capture its signals.
All dma softwares that work with kmbox are also compatible with MAKCU so there will not be any problems
MAKCU > Teensy > Arduino > KmBox
🟢 HDMI FUSER 1080p 240hz | 2k 120hz | 4k 60hz
Fuser allows you to transfer a picture from second PC running the cheat to gaming PC. You can use cheat without Fuser, but in this case esp will not be shown on gaming PC. Fuser doesn't work without DMA card.
🟢 Mini PC:
CPU: Intel i7 4 cores, 8 threads
Memory: DDR4 3200MHz, 8GB
Ports: HDMI 2.0, Mini DP 1.2, Thunderbolt 3, USB 3.1 x 4
Supports Wi-Fi and wired connection
Dimensions: 211 × 116 × 28 mm